Why Investing In Ground Rents Is Becoming A Popular Investment

Why Investing In Ground Rents Is Becoming A Popular Investment Since the economic crisis hit Britain back in 2008, investors have been looking at ways in which to protect their capital but also looking for an investment vehicle that will give a good rate of return with not too much risk. The old adage of […]
The appeal of Ground Rents to Investors

The appeal of Ground Rents to Investors A ground rent is an annual fee paid by the leaseholder’s to the freeholder over the length of the lease for renting the land on which the flats are standing. The number of years in the lease can vary from 99 years to 999 years, although most common […]
Are ground rents a good investment?

Are ground rents a good investment? Freehold ground rents are proving to be a very popular investment in the current economic climate, which doesn’t look like improving any time soon. We normally agree sales on ground rents in a matter of days, sometimes within hours of sending out the instruction to our investors.